Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Replacing the spark in the Mazda 3

If your Mazda engine started to act up, namely, bad plant or when driving car shudders, most likely, it's time to change the spark plugs. If you decide to do repairs on their own without the aid station of the service you will need to prepare the following tools: 1) head with a deep attachment. 2) The key with the ability to torque rotation. 3) The key rattle. 4) Special Extension head. 5) Special measures for the calculation of the gap the spark plugs. All operations should be conducted in order signing below: 1) Check only bought spark plugs for defects. On candles should not be cracked, or whether some or other visible damage. 2) Take the wire gauge and use it to check the gap between the "tentacles" of candles. 3) If the gap is more or less than recommended, it is correct. To do this, bend the "tentacle" in the right direction. 4) Now you need to remove the trim with cylinder heads. It is mounted on four bolts that need to unscrew. Further twisting the bolt that holds the ignition coil. After shooting her, and a wire that is connected to the same. Thus, we have full access to the spark plug. 5) Remove broneprovoda with candles. Do it carefully to avoid damaging "naboek" on them. 6) If you have the opportunity to use the device for compressed air, then use it to clear the space around the spark plugs. After that, take the crown extension and deep packed head with them twisted old candles. Pay attention to the candle that just learned that if in addition to scale on the electrode elements of a candle is oil deposit, there is a possibility of a failure of internal engine parts. If everything is in order to continue further to change the candle. 7) Lubricates threads for all new special solution of corrosion. Spinning new spark plugs in a place from where just learned the old, use a small rubber hose otrubok. This will preserve the integrity of the carving candles. 8) Now drag out the candles using a key to the desired condition. Usually it is 12 turns. 9) after setting in place the wires and plugs toys. Spinning in place bolts. We put on a plastic head plate and also addictive. After replacing the spark engine should wind up on the first try, without jerks and startle. If all goes like that then you did everything right and you can enjoy riding in his car.

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