Monday, July 18, 2011

Polishing the bumper with his own hands

Bumper - one of the most long-suffering parts of the car. Even if you do not like driving on rough terrain and you do not have a girl with a fondness for parking in the curb, sooner or later the bumper of your car will be covered by a network of small scratches and scuffs. And this is pretty spoils the view of the machine and the mood of its owner. Get rid of the defects on the bumper and the back of his swallow former presentation will help polishing procedure. Polishing the bumper can be done in the repair shop (expensive) or go to a local handyman Uncle Vasya (slightly cheaper), but why spend money on something that is realistic to make the most if the desire, time, and a small number of instruments? So, for polishing the bumper you will need to first drill / drill / driver with the function of adjusting speed or polishing machine. Generally speaking, the owner of the car once the instrument is not useful, because in a periodic polishing needed and the body, and glass, lights and machinery, so it makes sense once ruined him. In addition, the need for spetsnasadka drills with Velcro for attaching nazhdachki, skin 1200 and 2000, the wool circle for the application of abrasive and polishing foam for directly yourself compounds (in powder or paste for breeding, the choice is now huge, as they say on any taste and budget), spray, thinner, and pruning cloth for polishing. If you remove the bumper there is no time or desire, before starting work should be completely cleaned the machine and dry it and then protect with film or newspaper and masking tape. The surface of the bumper degreased with solvent, and then you can get to work. Deep scratches taken out into a level with the surface through skin. This should be done with caution, moving steadily, because the paint layer is less than 100 microns, and gross movements can simply tear off her completely. Absolutely can not tolerate erratic and circular motions. The purpose of the work - to achieve a matte surface, leveling it to the level of scratches and abrasions. After completion of the preparatory phase proceed directly to the polishing. To this end, the abrasive composition in small amounts applied to the edge of the circle and the smallest rate of spread over the polished surface, moving forward. Then increase speed to the level of 2500 revolutions per minute, and the need to control the degree of surface heating, as can be elementary to overheat and burn the layer of paint. Next, the softer composition is applied to the new terms. Pre-moisten the surface of the bumper and rub. Polishing process is completely identical to that described above. After that, finally, start to finish polishing. Better for this to apply formulations containing Teflon and wax that will give a polished surface of the water-repellent properties and a glossy shine. In the process of checking for defects in polishing is performed using two light sources. Once you deal with all of the above uncomplicated actions, you can enjoy views of shining like a mirror bumper.

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